
The Regulations constitute an appendix to the scholarship agreement concluded with the Program's grantees.

Kirkland Program


Kirkland Research



  • 2024
  • 19 IX 2024

    Arrival of grantees to the city where an orientation session is held
  • 20-28 IX 2023

    Preparation and orientation session for Kirkland grantees
  • 1 X 2024 -
    25 II 2025

    1st term of studies under the Program
  • II part of X 2024

    Library training and methodological workshop in the cities of affiliation
  • 27-29 XI 2024

    I Convention for all grantees in Poznań
  • XI 2024

    Project proposal writing training
  • 24 XII 2024-12 I 2025

    Christmas brake
  • 2025
  • 13-27 I 2025

    Continuation of studies under the Program, completion of term 1,
    joint presentations and lectures by grantees closing term 1 of the program.
  • 29-31 I 2025

    II Convention for all grantees in Warsaw and the celebration concluding the Kirkland Program Research (presentations by grantees)
  • I - II 2025

    Term break (dates depend on individual universities)
  • 26-28 III 2023

    III Convention for all grantees in Wrocław
  • II - VI 2025

    Meetings with animators in affiliate cities + implementation of possible city projects
  • II - VI 2025

    Implementation of the study program - II semester (depending on the university)
  • 17-22 IV 2025

    Easter break
  • V 2024

    Meetings with cultural and social animators in the cities of affiliation + implementation of potential urban projects
  • 3-16 VI 2024

    Individual presentations and lectures by grantees closing the study program; submission and defense of final projects
  • end of VI 2025

    Scholarship graduation ceremony and departure of grantees from Poland

* The calendar will be adjusted to the epidemiological situation and may change.

Final project

The culminating moment of the Kirkland Program consists in drafting and defending a final project that is composed of 2 term papers prepared during each term, as well as conclusions and recommendations. The project may be either of theoretical or practical nature, depending on earlier declarations of grantees. A practical project should include theoretical introduction and an extended section describing solutions or experiences that grantees may implement in their organization/institution. The project should encompass at least 50 pages (where a standardised page equals 1,800 charswith spaces).

Projects will be defended in the cities of affiliation and their manner of organization is determined by a given university. In principle, a grantee should prepare a short presentation of its project and answer 2-3 questions asked by the examination commission. The defense is held in Polish even in the case of grantees who prepared their projects in English.

At the end the scholarship, grantees are awarded with prestigious Kirkland Program diplomas. A diploma with honours is granted when grantees have met the following conditions: received a very good evaluation of the whole stay, their final project was rated as “very good”, the defense was rated as “very good”, a grantee has demonstrated scientific or social activity, for instance delivered a lecture at a reputable conference, published an article in a highly-scored journal, conducted a social project or took part in long-term voluntary service etc.

Information on settlements

Detailed information on settlements and rules of financing particular categories of expenditures within the package are included in the file to be downloaded below.

Scholarship package

As part of the study package, Grantees may purchase materials and tools to facilitate the best use of the scholarship program. Details in the file to be downloaded below.

Support for grantees

During their stay in Poland, the Grantees can count on the support of the Regional Coordinators, Academic Advisors and Animators of the Kirkland Program. Details in the file to be downloaded below.